
Fun casual games on steam
Fun casual games on steam

fun casual games on steam

Visiting wolf’s den, finding out the mystery and tame the wild beast is in the storyline.Fun, thriller, melodrama, and multiple endings inside one game.Collection of alternative realities, players, can turn out the events and end it with their choice.More than three hundred elaborated illustrations with a significant number of achievements for the players.The no-linear game, players can choose their path to experience adventure and challenges.There is a good rapport among the main characters, and they like to go through the dangers and get rid of the difficulties to save each other in this quest. The adventurous four is an adventure-based steam game for kids, and it is the sequel of the visual novel “Wild Island Quest.” Its storyline would let the players experience thrill and challenges.

fun casual games on steam


  • Different types of stuff are Cheez-n-Safe Cracker Kit, Coin Trap, Laser Toothbrush, Night Vision Shoe, SPY Putty, Suction Cuff Links, and X-Ray Gum.
  • Fun games and different activities allow earning clues, and kids can use secret spy gadgets to solve the problem.
  • Talking balloon, an innovative detective tool facilitates kids to go through the issues entirely new way.
  • Game’s plot is kids oriented where one of the evil characters plans to steal all milk of the world, leaving kids to live on dry cereal.
  • There are a couple of sequels of this Spy Fox series, and all of those are dearly popular among the kids. Its storyline is interesting where the Spy Fox moves on a Greek island to find the missing milk. This adventure nature-based game developed by Humongous Entertainment. Spy Fox in Dry Cereal is another funny steam game for kids.
  • Rebellion turkeys and their allied forces are rich with advanced technologies, and they are pretty intelligent too.
  • The storyline forwards with the rebellion turkeys that confront humanity to take control of it.
  • Kids would travel to different galaxies to find out the massive eggs to destroy it before coming back to earth.
  • Featured planet-scaled eggs with gigantic cannon that capable of launching eggs against the earth.
  • It is a fun scripted and thrilling game that puts players in front of rebellion turkeys to confront it.
  • It facilitates enjoying incredible scenarios as well as allows navigation with gigantic feathers and experiencing molten planet during the supernova explosion. There are some interesting characters, such as pilgrim’s hats, pumpkins, and turkeys. Chicken Invaders 4 – Thanksgiving EditionĬhicken invaders 4- thanksgiving edition is a funny steam game that kids would love to play.
  • Offer compact and quality actions that simply users expect from the Humongous Entertainment.
  • fun casual games on steam

  • Allows players to create their maze-in level through easy to use custom level builder.
  • Track the score for seventy-five players, and it saves the player level for the game players.
  • Freddi Fish jam-packed gameplay offers to explore more than fifty maze-crazed caverns.
  • An arcade-style challenging game for the children of all ages, especially three to eight.
  • Freddi fish is a goldfish in this game and the main protagonist. Humongous Entertainment develops this game, and there are lots of funs for your kids along with hour-long action. It offers high quality and lovable characters for the kids. Freddi Fish and Luther’s Maze Madnessįreddi Fish is a steam game for kids with hand-drawn animation and fun script. These games feature fun, adventure, mystery, puzzles, and so on.

    fun casual games on steam

    I have gone through a huge bulk of games and finally picked up the best twenty. In this article, I have entirely focused on steam games for kids.

    Fun casual games on steam